Sunday, February 15, 2009

Every outing an adventure January 09

Yesterday was the best! In the morning went to German Clinic (EVERY OUTING IS AN ADVENTURE- Oregoniaans know the feeling- every sunny day a cause for celebration. Here’s the thing: we can only leave the guest house to go shopping or go to school basically –until you figure out the system which I am fast doiing)

I had to go to the German clinic because of lump on the bottom of my foot that was causing pain when I walked ( expertly diagnosed by competent German doctor who took xray and said a bone had moved caused by inserts given me by my Oregon doctor (whom I had gone to Avoid problems while here!)

other good part of going: my security escort, Baktash, a sweet handsome 27 year old Afghan soccer champion (the truth is that almost every Afghan man I’ve met is sweet and handsome in a way I can hardly describe no matter their age- one of the security guards here at the house gray haired but probbably lot younger than me bec of life expectancy – every time I see him he greets me with a hand on his heart and sweetest kindest smile -all men do this with everyone); Baktash refused to leave my side, taught me Dari while we waited; was all very social, and then just before leaving Agfhan woman came in who I knew ! (Laila she’s librarian at school where I’ve met over 100 people in last week)! I’ve been here a week and this city has 5 million people! Ok not everyone going to german clinic but still

In the afternoon, we went to Barbur’s garden (beautiful expanse of garden –dead now as it is winter- and architecture as only the Afghans do, tomb of ruler from early century (photos say it all) (we is two housemates: Kevin, Philosophy pROF, 30, looks like giant baby bec he has no hair anywhere- an immune thing, very 30 something, always cracking dirty jokes like from movie KNOCKED UP which can be tiresome but otherwise a stellar fellow and a new friend and Melvin, english Prof w Baktash as our guard)

In the evening went to play scrabble with another teacher, Marilyn, new friend who’s here with 2 teenage sons husband house etc and Fiona, also here with hous e and family- Fiona and husband have been here since late 80’s – her father started orgNIZATION TO PROVIDE PROSTHESIS FOR MINE VICTIMS AND she HAS TAKEN IT OVER Her French husband Phillipe is doctor working on project w Johns Hopkins. Fiona’s sister is Carlotta Gall who is Kabul Bureau chief for New York Times.

I have spectacular room at top of house with all windows on 2 walls looking out at massive snow covered peaks that surround Kabul but sadly have to give it up bec the house is heated with diesel giving me terrible headaches– (my Alaska friends will recall same things happened to me last year in Juneau when I had to give up my apt bec of diesel fumes)- but what I’m getting isn’t half bad- my own apt! w roof top balcony- anyone want to visit?

My trip here:
It was a long slog but fine British Airways SF to London to Dubai has 20 new release movies on your own personal screen so 16 and 1/2 hrs went by better than expected plus good veggie food and they didn't even lose my luggage as is their rep

My new housemates had welcome dinner for me -one of them knew Massoud (do you know who he was?

I live in a house with 6 other people - we have 4 baths, 2 kitchens, 2 living rooms and a guy w an AK 47 outside 24/7

I had a bit of afghan turista that layed me low w fever and chills same day as we we're in lock down bec of bombs at German embassy ( the germans-and other Nato allies- were targeted bec they’re losing their resolve to participate and insuregents are there to help them be discouraged)+tension in the house reflecting it- all on day of Inauguration so I sadly missed it but getting it in bits and peices – everyone here hopeful but I was alarmed by Hillary calling Afghanistan a ‘narco state- farmers’irrigation ditches have BEEN DESTROYED so there is not alt to poppies plus the farmers work so hard they need it to get thru the day, have been imbibing for centures and if the western world is creating THE DEMAND ISN’T IT THEIR PROBLEM. Karzai was not invited to any inaug events so . . .

Really horrible things continue to Happen vs women: 14 year old raped and then mother and brother take her to barn to cut out ensuing fetus w knives and razor blades.

lunch with the pres of univ, I like him very much-w interesting good conversation among us newbies, the univ was laura bush's pet, the state dept(?) gave it to her for soemthing to do and she ran with it, with emphasis on women who get to go to states but guys don't so they're a bit out of bent- she got us 43 million but we have to match it,
food has been pretty good they serve good lunch at school for $2 but it's also why I'm sick I guess

love and happy happy happy to hear from you all

Jan 25 solar eclipse. 6:30 PM the muzzein is chanting; such a beautiful sound. I never tire of it.

Went to a yard sale today at the home of the Directors of the Christian NGO (been here for 5 yrs) who’s young female employee was recently killed half block away from their house allegedly bec she was prosteletizing which is unlikely since she wasn’t, just propaganda used by the big T whenever they get the chance like the Koreans were kidnapped by some criminal low lifes and then traded to the T

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