Friday, February 27, 2009

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  1. Spring here...hope the buds/blossoms on the fruit trees make it through whatever frosts we might have...last year it got very cold, all the trees were in bloom and we had no fruit. Off to see Cassidy and Cody tomorrow. Cass just made plans with me for mid May to have Cody here two nights, by himself, while he (Cass) goes to an annual men's gathering. That is a first;Cody has never spent the night away from a parent. I am excited. Had an epiphany yesterday, partly due to your adventure and spirit. Trying to figure out Medicaire, or staying on the plan I have now because I will work until 67 if they still fund the position and I love the work ....Feeling kind of homeless, unsure of where I will want to be in the golden years. Then I thought, well I could think of it that way or I could think of it as a new kind of freedom. Like sistah Lia. Love
